
To return to normalcy, we need community, wisdom, and enthusiasm.

Community: Real community involves real people – the kind you can bring casseroles to, the kind that show up to your mama’s funeral. But conversations, friendships, and discussions can all happen online. Want to participate? Head over to Historical Femininity and join our merry crew. All content will be linked there, so no one will miss out. And you can post your own threads and get feedback from me – and the rest of the gang. If this blog makes you want to talk? Come, talk! I’d love to hear your ideas.

Historical Femininity

Wisdom: Hopefully you’re finding your visit to full of bits of wisdom. If you’d like more, you can find my books on Amazon and wherever e-books are sold. Wardrobe Communication is my first book, offered in e-format only. It will take you through the basics of how to use your clothing to communicate the messages that you want to give to the world. Beauty Destroys the Beast is my second book, and is available in print or on various e-reader platforms. It takes a specifically Christian viewpoint, and gives you the “why” you might want to dress the part as an ambassador for Christ. Leaving Laodicea is my latest book, and it goes on a deep dive into this Laodicean world we live in, and how we leave Laodicea and start living our best lives.


You can also find me on instagram, facebook, and youtube. You probably found this page because of those sites, but if not – I drop regular content on all three.