The biggest obstacle to dressing sharply

… seems to be the reality that unless your job requires you to do so, life just doesn’t. And mostly your job doesn’t require you to be sharp either. “Business casual” is the law of the land, and dressing like your boss is largely a matter of bringing in higher quality polo shirts and pressing your trousers, maybe adding a belt.

Very few people dress for themselves out of the office – dress to express themselves, dress to communicate their truth to the world. They just put on cloth body coverings and go out.

It’s not that we don’t admire people who do dress well – pinterest wouldn’t exist if we didn’t like looking at well-dressed people – we’re just so totally out of the habit that we don’t know how to start.

Really, most of us are putting on clothes rather than “getting dressed”. We’re not putting a lot of thought into what we wear.

And yet we enjoy it when others do so.

Aesthetics still control how we view people. If you dress well, you are automatically increased in social status. As the number of people dressing sharply wanes, the smaller the effort is required.

An example: My husband’s dress code is “business casual” which means (for men) a nice pair of jeans and a polo shirt, at the minimum. By changing out the polo shirt for a long-sleeved button-down, he has elicited surprised reactions from others, and increased his status thereby.

That brings forward another reason that a lot of folks aren’t dressing sharply these days – their clothes don’t fit properly. My husband wouldn’t wear the long-sleeved shirts that he prefers until I started sewing them for him, because his wrists were never covered.

Of course low-quality clothing that fits poorly is less comfortable than good-quality clothing that fits. Too many people haven’t been exposed to the latter, and associate dressing well with the pinching, pulling, gaping nightmare of the former.

So the question is: How to inspire people to understand that Beauty is for everyone?

I cannot believe that in their secret hearts, the people of the world don’t long to be Beautiful…

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